My Leg, Pt. 2 (with visual aids)

This is an x-ray of my left leg after two surgeries. What happened is called a tibular plateau. Basically, when I landed the upper bone of the leg came down and split the lower bone like a piece of firewood. In the four months since the accident I have gone from wheelchair to walker to crutches to the cane I'm currently using.
There's a lot of folks whose help I'm grateful for. On the technical end it starts with my orthopedic surgeon, Dr. James Nitka, who did a great job putting me back together and whose bedside manner has been positive and uplifting at every step. My thanks also to the staff at the ortho wing at Moses Cone and their outpatient physical threapy department.
I'm also obliged to my cousin Susan McLauchlin and her family Charles, Duncan and Kristin, for opening their home to me during the "transitional" week as I began walking on crutches and driving. Your hospitality and support was overwhelming and is appreciated. Thanks also to the clergy and staff at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, including Ben Brafford (who visited EVERY DAY at the hospital), Rose Hood, and Maureen Flak. They helped me secure all the external hardware I've needed, helped with my transition back into teaching, and continue to provide spiritual support. Thanks folks.
And thanks to Zach for his patience with his old man while I heal. Thanks Buddy.
There's still some work to be done. There's an arthoscopic procedure scheduled next month to clean some bone fragments out of the knee, and maybe more reconstructive work in the spring. But I try to keep a positive attitude and move on.
So let's move on, shall we...