Boring old year/new year reflection

Yesterday I started working on a new song, which wants to be called “It’s Been A Year.” I stopped after one long form verse/chorus, so maybe whatever I write here will give me some ideas on where to go from there.

So has if been a year? Yup.

The biggie, of course, is that Zach and Anna got married in June. It was a beautiful day, and they’re very happy together. Trying to figure out where I fit in the new family dynamic, but hey, this is me. So I’m more that likely overthinking it. It’s my super power. But there’s a wonderful life ahead for them.

The other big thing is, that after 18 years I moved out of the “divorce apartment.” Had thought about it before, but never saw a good opportunity. Then my friend Victoria texted me that she had a friend with an affordable rental property that was coming available. The last time Victoria recommended something to me, it was meeting Rosser. So I know to pay attention.

Moving is always stressful, but when you’ve been in a space as long as I was in that one, there’s a whole lot of physical crap to deal with. Hard decisions had to be made, with multiple trips to donation sites and dumpsters. It was quite therapeutic to shred reams of no longer relevant or necessary documents. My shredder’s motor actually burned up before I was done. Moving day came and went, and I’m here, a guitar player in a two-bedroom house with a significant yard in a nice neighborhood. Who woulda thunk it?

That wasn’t the only outward change. About a week before moving, my 2015 Hyundai got creamed while innocently parked in front of of the soon-to-be-former space. After a lot of back and forth with insurance companies, and a lot of online vehicle shopping, I ended up with a 2008 Honda CR-V, which already feels like it might be my favorite vehicle ever.

I had some health issues, mostly of a gastrointestinal nature, that resulted in a couple of 1-day hospitalizations. Those were followed by a couple of outpatient procedures that seem to be having the results that they’re supposed to, so I’m feeling much better. But it’s clear, as I will be turning 70 this summer, that I’m going to need to be more vigilant with my health.

I was a bit less active creatively in 2024, but I did write a few songs, of which hopefully there are one or two that don’t suck. I also had a couple of nice gigs at Zimmerman Vineyards and ended the year with big fun, performing in the Songwriters@Scup series that I put on at Scuppernong Books with two of my best musical friends, Leah and Mark. Now that I’ve spent a few days of the year end break reorganizing my studio space in the spare room of the house, I plan on making myself more available to the Creative Spirit.

I did a little online quiz the other day that promised to reveal to me the two words that would define my 2025. What I got was “Intention” and “Creativity.”

That works. Onward.

Picture of Fergie, refusing to let me make the bed, for the algorithm.


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