If Not Now, When?

Yeah, a blog post. Decided to jump back for a couple of reasons; I have a new website, dougbakermusic.com, and I need to keep some fresh content on there. I’ve also felt the need to put some thoughts down in a format that’s probably too long for Facebook. So, here I am.

If you follow my Facebook hijinks, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve started performing solo, for really the first time in my life.  Mark Dillon and I will revive the Baker & Dillon duo at some point, but Mark’s very busy with his wonderful new job at GTCC, plus he’s got a dissertation to finish.

For these performances, I’m rolling back the emphasis on traditional music and giving more space to my songwriting. I’ve been writing songs since I was about 17. But outside of a period around 1976-1977, I’ve never been all that disciplined about it. In the rock bands I’ve been in over the decades, I’ve been content to contribute a song or two, and even sing them, sort of a (very) poor man’s George Harrison.

But this past year, as my guitar teaching practice and crept into earlier in the day, at least enough to rule out substitute teaching, I’ve found myself with time in the morning that could be devoted to pursuing songwriting.  And, as I’ve kept telling myself, if not now, when?

So look for me out there.  I’ll be posting dates on the website. And I’ll hopefully keep blogging about the experience.


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