No excuses, at least not yet...

I just did something that I haven't done in much longer than the time of my last blog post.  I walked.  Meaning, I walked for a purpose other than getting from point A to point B.  I used to walk quite often before my leg injury of five years ago (check the archives). 

After the third surgery I asked the surgeon when I'd be able to walk for recreation/exercise again, and he said "Never".  I don't really accept that, but since then my primary mode of exercise has been biking.  But that's too much like driving; I have to be more careful, obey more rules, watch out for the other guy.  I missed the "zen" of walking, that sense of being alone with your thoughts and yourself.

Not pushing it.  Forty minutes today, and I'm icing the knee as I write.  Hmm...maybe this habit will get me back to regular blogging.

No promises.


Garry said…
Walking is a good thing. Glad you are trying it again. I am "encouraged" to do it more, and there are places around here I can only get to by walking. Cheers!

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