Radio Silence, Blog style

I know, I's been a while.  I tend to go into auto pilot over the holidays, and it's usually late January before I get my bearings back.

But things are coming together for 2008.  I just got back from the NAMM show in California.  Simply put, it's like the furniture market for the musical instrument business.  I took some pictures and videos on my cell phone there, so as soon as I get the adaptor, I'll post some of them.

I've been actively recruiting new guitar students, and it looks like I'll go into next month with about 16 students.  

The Sin Tax CD is slowly progressing.  There's been a second  round of mastering, but with everything else going on it's been tough to get everyone together to listen to it.  Hopefully we'll sign off on it next week.

But for now, I've got a boy to get to a basketball game.  More later...promise.


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